We'll be running a Heart Attack freeroll every day, open to any player who has earned at least 700 Comp Points before the tournament. In your Player Admin section, we have set up a personalized Freeroll Counter, which tracks how many Comp Points you need to collect before earning a coupon for entry into our daily freerolls.
There is a guaranteed $500 prize pool to win in each daily tournament throughout the week, and $1000 on both Saturday and Sunday. There's no break in the action, with four tournaments running over the weekend, two on each day. Players can now keep track of both their tournament winnings and our unique Heart Monitor, which is the surprise twist in our special month!
In addition to the standard prize payout structure for each tournament, we've created an entirely separate Heart Attack prize pool for players to win during the game. For example, in our $1000 Saturday tournaments, half of the prize pool ($500) will be divided up and paid out according to the standard tournament structure, while the other half will be used to reward players who collect running Hearts in their hole cards! Both the top five tournament place-winners and the top five Heart collectors will receive a portion of each prize pool.
You'll receive a tournament entry coupon after you earn 700 Comp Points, and these can be used at any one of the games throughout the month. There's no limit on how many Heart Attack freerolls you can enter during the month. In fact, the top 25 players who collect the most Hearts throughout the month will receive an exclusive, never-repeated Heart Accolade in their player account! The top collectors will be displayed on our Heart Streak leaderboard.
Finally, we have set up an amazing Heart Attack freeroll on Valentine's Day, February 14th, with a prize pool of $5000! This event will be open to any player who has earned 4000 Comp Points for the month up until the 14th, with a coupon being awarded for entry. The winnings for this special tournament will certainly be enough to cover any romantic plans you have for the day!
We've set up custom heart-shaped poker tables and unique Cupid cards for our Heart Attack tournaments, so you can enjoy a little piece of romance every single day throughout February. We've scheduled the tournaments at alternating hours for players all around the world to enjoy prime-time poker action several times per week. Simply check your tournament listing in the poker software to see which daily and weekend tournaments are scheduled for your time zone.
The tournaments are set up and the prizes are ready to be won, so get ready to grab your entry coupon and enjoy the CarbonPoker Heart Attack!