We're celebrating February in style by spreading the love of Valentine's Day to all our poker players. Of course, love is always sweetened with a nice win at the tables, so it's time for everyone to take on CarbonPoker.com's Heart Attack!
We'll be running a Heart Attack freeroll every day, open to any player who has earned at least 700 Comp Points before the tournament. In your Player Admin section, we have set up a personalized Freeroll Counter, which tracks how many Comp Points you need to collect before earning a coupon for entry into our daily freerolls.
There is a guaranteed $500 prize pool to win in each daily tournament throughout the week, and $1000 on both Saturday and Sunday. There's no break in the action, with four tournaments running over the weekend, two on each day. Players can now keep track of both their tournament winnings and our unique Heart Monitor, which is the surprise twist in our special month!
In addition to the standard prize payout structure for each tournament, we've created an entirely separate Heart Attack prize pool for players to win during the game. For example, in our $1000 Saturday tournaments, half of the prize pool ($500) will be divided up and paid out according to the standard tournament structure, while the other half will be used to reward players who collect running Hearts in their hole cards! Both the top five tournament place-winners and the top five Heart collectors will receive a portion of each prize pool.
You'll receive a tournament entry coupon after you earn 700 Comp Points, and these can be used at any one of the games throughout the month. There's no limit on how many Heart Attack freerolls you can enter during the month. In fact, the top 25 players who collect the most Hearts throughout the month will receive an exclusive, never-repeated Heart Accolade in their player account! The top collectors will be displayed on our Heart Streak leaderboard.
Finally, we have set up an amazing Heart Attack freeroll on Valentine's Day, February 14th, with a prize pool of $5000! This event will be open to any player who has earned 4000 Comp Points for the month up until the 14th, with a coupon being awarded for entry. The winnings for this special tournament will certainly be enough to cover any romantic plans you have for the day!
We've set up custom heart-shaped poker tables and unique Cupid cards for our Heart Attack tournaments, so you can enjoy a little piece of romance every single day throughout February. We've scheduled the tournaments at alternating hours for players all around the world to enjoy prime-time poker action several times per week. Simply check your tournament listing in the poker software to see which daily and weekend tournaments are scheduled for your time zone.
The tournaments are set up and the prizes are ready to be won, so get ready to grab your entry coupon and enjoy the CarbonPoker Heart Attack!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
Hand of the day. Mano del dia
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
The Deep stack story.La historia del deep stack.
El año pasado tuve el placer de coordinar con el administrador de carbonpoker liam nicholson,un nuevo torneo diario de 109$ de inscripcion, con premio garantizado y con la caracteristica de tener niveles de 15 min y 3000 fichas, en el cual yo me comprometia ha jugarlo diariamente y promoverlo en las mesas del site.He podido rescatar algunas imagenes de algunos de estos triunfos.
Last year i had the pleasure to coordinate with carbonpoker adm liam nicholson, a new 109S buy in tournament with guaranteed prize, 15 min blinds and 3000 starting chips, i compromise to play it almost everyday and to promote it the site ring tables. I had rescue some pics from some of my victories there.
Last year i had the pleasure to coordinate with carbonpoker adm liam nicholson, a new 109S buy in tournament with guaranteed prize, 15 min blinds and 3000 starting chips, i compromise to play it almost everyday and to promote it the site ring tables. I had rescue some pics from some of my victories there.
De freeroller a jugador de tiempo completo. From freeroller to full time player. .
Como les iba relatando anteriormente, me decidi a indagar sobre la informacion que me habian dado en el chat de pogo.Era mayo de 2005 cuando me registre en un sitio exclusivo de poker llamado pokerchamps el cual estaba representado por un tal "gus hansen" que del cual yo ni idea tenia de quien podia ser.Ciertamente ahy ofrecian unos freerolls de 15$ cada 4 horas con capacidad para 1500 personas,los cuales empeze a jugar, y en promedio jugaba 4 de los 6 que ofrecian a diario.Inmediatamente me di cuenta de que los faciles tiempos de hacer tokens en pogo habian quedado atras.Pero como les he contado anteriormente no soy de los que se dejan derrotar facilmente por un video juego, asi que entre freeroll y freeroll, empeze a estudiar paguinas web de estrategia. La primera que recuerdo era pokertips la cual ofrece imformacion basica del juego, que era lo que yo realmente necesitaba, tambien fueron de mucha utilidad los articulos de pokerlistings. Asi que poco a poco acumulando experiencia en estos freerolls, estudiando articulos y sobre todo disenando una estrategia propia basada en calculos matematicos y estadisticos muy basica para ese momento,logre empezar a ganar algunos centavos aqui y alla que luego desafortunadamente perdia al incursionar en micro stakes.Pasaron varios meses en los cuales lo unico que hacia era acumular mucha esperiencia pero nada de bankroll, cuando mi amigo marcos me pasa la informacion de un site llamado www.poker.com, en el cual ofrecian unos asombrosos freerolls de 100$.Fue asi que en agosto de ese mismo año 2005 que me registre en www.poker.com, y a los 2 dias jugando uno de esos freerolls cobre 75 centavos con los cuales me fui a las mesas de micro limite. Desde ese momento todo cambio, tanto asi que en ese mes de septiembre converti esos 75 centavos en 105$, en octubre los 105$ pasaron a ser unos fabulosos 1293$y finalmente despues en noviembre mi bankrool acsendia a unos impresionanttes 2897$. Es decir 75 centavos los converti en 2897$ en tan solo 90 dias!!!. En ese mismo momento decidi dejar a lado todo lo que estaba haciendo y convertirme en profesional a tiempo completo.
As i was relating previously, i decided to investigate the information that i heard in the pogo chat.It was May of 2005 when i registered in an exclusive poker site called pokerchamps, it was represented by "gus Hansen" who of which i had no idea of who he was.Certainly they were 15$ freerolls every 4 hours with capacity for 1500 players, so i started to play those, and in average i played 4 of the 6 that they offer each day.Inmediatly i notice that the easy pogo times were over.But as i have explain before, i am not the person who gives easyly up against a video game. So between freerolls, i start to study strategy web pages.The first that comes to my memory was pokertips which offers basic imformacion of the game,that was what i really needed, also the pokerlistings articles helped to. So i slowly was accumulating experience in these freerolls, studying strategy and desinging an own basic mathematic and statistical strategy,i manages to begin to earn some cents, only to lose it at the micro stakes tables.It passes several months in which the only thing that i accumulate was experience but nothing of bankroll.Some day my friend marcos passes me the information of a site called poker.com, in which they offer amazing 100$ freerolls.So in August of that same year 2005 i registered in poker.com, and to 2 days after playing one of those freerolls i cashed 75 cents, so i hit the micro limits tables. From that moment all change, in that month of September i converted those 75 cents in 105$, in October the 105$ passed to be 1293$ y later in November my bankrool was up to an amazing 2897$. It means that i turned 75 cent in 2897$ in only 90 days!!!. At that same moment i decide for leaving everything i was doing and become a full time poker player.
As i was relating previously, i decided to investigate the information that i heard in the pogo chat.It was May of 2005 when i registered in an exclusive poker site called pokerchamps, it was represented by "gus Hansen" who of which i had no idea of who he was.Certainly they were 15$ freerolls every 4 hours with capacity for 1500 players, so i started to play those, and in average i played 4 of the 6 that they offer each day.Inmediatly i notice that the easy pogo times were over.But as i have explain before, i am not the person who gives easyly up against a video game. So between freerolls, i start to study strategy web pages.The first that comes to my memory was pokertips which offers basic imformacion of the game,that was what i really needed, also the pokerlistings articles helped to. So i slowly was accumulating experience in these freerolls, studying strategy and desinging an own basic mathematic and statistical strategy,i manages to begin to earn some cents, only to lose it at the micro stakes tables.It passes several months in which the only thing that i accumulate was experience but nothing of bankroll.Some day my friend marcos passes me the information of a site called poker.com, in which they offer amazing 100$ freerolls.So in August of that same year 2005 i registered in poker.com, and to 2 days after playing one of those freerolls i cashed 75 cents, so i hit the micro limits tables. From that moment all change, in that month of September i converted those 75 cents in 105$, in October the 105$ passed to be 1293$ y later in November my bankrool was up to an amazing 2897$. It means that i turned 75 cent in 2897$ in only 90 days!!!. At that same moment i decide for leaving everything i was doing and become a full time poker player.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Internet: la maravilla del siglo 21. / Internet:the 21th century wonder.
Siempre me han fascinado los juegos en pc, especialmente cualquier cosa que lanzara blizzard yo tenia que jugarlo y terminarlo, claro que en venezuela todavia no habia internet. En aquellos tiempos en que juegos como las sagas diablo y starcraff eran el ultimo grito de la moda, yo visitaba regularmente a mi familia en miami por un par de meses cada vez. Para mi felicidad todos alla jugaban juegos en pc. Cada uno tenia su propia pc y con la novedosa coneccion a internet, por supuesto que yo me desvelaba incursionando en ese maravilloso y nuevo mundo. Fue justamente en aquellos dias que mi mama la cual tambien se desvelaba jugando en http://www.pogo.com/ , se gano un acumulado de 4999$ jugando una version de gin (para los que no lo conozcan pogo.com es un site gratis muy divertido con muchos tipos de juegos y algunos incluyen un acumulado que es patrocinado por empresas) , claro que yo no me lo creia y pensaba que era una especie de farsa y hasta me burlaba de esto. Pero para mi sorpresa al cabo de un par de semanas se aparece mi mama sosteniendo un fabuloso cheque de 4999$ en sus manos, con el cual dias despues remodelo algunos muebles de la casa. Por supuesto que en ese momento se me olvido todo esto de blizzard que yo jugaba y me dispuse a jugar en pogo como un loco por el resto de mi estadia alla.
Al cabo de un par de años finalmente aparecio el internet en venezuela y yo fui de los primeros que sali a instalarlo. Por supuesto que lo que yo jugaba era pogo en cualquier momento libre que tenia. Mi estrategia de pogo era simple:jugar los juegos con el maximo acumulado, y unos de los juegos que siempre tenia un buen jackpot era una version de omaha en la cual podias pagar algo extra para ver una carta adicional despues del river. Esta version de omaha me empezo a gustar mucho y rapidamente empeze a ganar tokens (que es una especie de play money de pogo), hasta que un dia chateando entre manos alguien me informo que habian sites donde se jugaba dinero real y que ofrecian una especie de eventos llamados freerools.
PC games have always fascinated me, specially any thing that blizzard launch i had to play it and to finish it, but in Venezuela we didnt had internet allready. In those times games as the diablos and the starcraffs were the fashion last scream. I regularly visited my family in miami by a pair of months every time. For my happiness everyone played PC games . Each one had their own PC and with the novel internet connection.Of course that i kept awake unlit lately hours surfing in that wonderful and new world. It was exactly in those days that my mother also played a lot in http://www.pogo.com/ , she won a 4999$ jackpot playing a gin version (for those who dont know pogo.com is a free to play site very amused with many types of games and somes include jackpots that is sponsored by companies), of curse that i didnt believe that the prize was real and trough that its was a fraud or something and also make some fun about it. But for my surprise after a pair of weeks my mom appears with a fabulous 4999$ check in her hands, which days after she buy some new furniture for the house. Of course that i forgot all about blizzard games that i played and started to play in pogo like a crazy person by the rest of my staying there. After a pair of years finally the Internet came to Venezuela and I was the first to install it. Of course that what i played was pogo at any free time that i had. My pogo strategy was simple:play the games with the highest jackpot, and one of the games that always had a good jackpot was a omaha version of in which you could get a extra card after the river paying an extra pot contribuition. I liked this omaha version and i start to gain a lot tokens quickly (that is a kind of pogo play money), until a day, chating bettewn hands somebody told me that they were only poker sites where you could play with real money and that they offer some events called freerolls.
Will continue...
Al cabo de un par de años finalmente aparecio el internet en venezuela y yo fui de los primeros que sali a instalarlo. Por supuesto que lo que yo jugaba era pogo en cualquier momento libre que tenia. Mi estrategia de pogo era simple:jugar los juegos con el maximo acumulado, y unos de los juegos que siempre tenia un buen jackpot era una version de omaha en la cual podias pagar algo extra para ver una carta adicional despues del river. Esta version de omaha me empezo a gustar mucho y rapidamente empeze a ganar tokens (que es una especie de play money de pogo), hasta que un dia chateando entre manos alguien me informo que habian sites donde se jugaba dinero real y que ofrecian una especie de eventos llamados freerools.
PC games have always fascinated me, specially any thing that blizzard launch i had to play it and to finish it, but in Venezuela we didnt had internet allready. In those times games as the diablos and the starcraffs were the fashion last scream. I regularly visited my family in miami by a pair of months every time. For my happiness everyone played PC games . Each one had their own PC and with the novel internet connection.Of course that i kept awake unlit lately hours surfing in that wonderful and new world. It was exactly in those days that my mother also played a lot in http://www.pogo.com/ , she won a 4999$ jackpot playing a gin version (for those who dont know pogo.com is a free to play site very amused with many types of games and somes include jackpots that is sponsored by companies), of curse that i didnt believe that the prize was real and trough that its was a fraud or something and also make some fun about it. But for my surprise after a pair of weeks my mom appears with a fabulous 4999$ check in her hands, which days after she buy some new furniture for the house. Of course that i forgot all about blizzard games that i played and started to play in pogo like a crazy person by the rest of my staying there. After a pair of years finally the Internet came to Venezuela and I was the first to install it. Of course that what i played was pogo at any free time that i had. My pogo strategy was simple:play the games with the highest jackpot, and one of the games that always had a good jackpot was a omaha version of in which you could get a extra card after the river paying an extra pot contribuition. I liked this omaha version and i start to gain a lot tokens quickly (that is a kind of pogo play money), until a day, chating bettewn hands somebody told me that they were only poker sites where you could play with real money and that they offer some events called freerolls.
Will continue...
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Hola poker,gusto en conocerte / Hi poker,nice to meet you
Mi primer encuentro con el poker fue hace muchos años atras cuando viajaba frecuentemente por cuestiones de trabajo, en esos viajes largos por supuesto hay que parar a comprar gasolina, generalmente en estos sitios siempre encuentras restaurantes y bares donde en casi todos tenian maquinas de video slot las cuales me gustaban mucho y generalmente dejaba una tajada de dinero en cada una de ellas, aparte de las 2 o 3 maquinas de video slot habia tambien una maquina tipo pinball pero esta era diferente con muchos agujeros en la cual tenias que apostar y cada hueco pagaba cierta cantidad o algo asi, por que la verdad nunca me llamo la atencion y finalmente habia una ultima maquina que se llamaba video poker y que era del tipo jacks or better, despues de tanto perder en las video slot me decidi a probar una de estas video poker, con mucha atencion me aprendi la tabla de pagos la cual es casi igual al ranking de manos, le pedi al despachador que me agregara algunos creditos a la maquina y finalmente juegue mi primera mano de poker, por alguna razon previa yo sabia que habian 52 cartas en el mazo, y automaticamente empeze a calcular las probabilidades de acertar las cartas necesarias para armas las manos que pagaban, muchos años despues me entere que a eso se le denominaba contar outs, y la verdad es que tuve mucha suerte ya que casi siempre ganaba algo,y hasta llegue a pensar que podia ganarle a estas maquinas al largo plazo, claro que años despues supe que todos este tipo de video juegos son -ev, pero esto es otra historia.
My first encounter with poker was many years ago when i traveled frequently by work questions, in those long trips of course is necessary to stop to buy gas, in these sites you always find restaurants and bars where in almost all they have video slot machines, which i liked much and usually i left a slice of money in each one of them, aside from the 2 or 3 machines of video slot there was also a pinball type machine but this was different with many holes in which each hole paid a certain amount or something like that, the truth is it never called my attention, and finally there was one last machine that were called video poker,it was of the type jacks or better,after of much losing in the video slot i decide to prove one of these video poker, with much attention i learned the table of payments which is almost equal to the ranking of hands, so i ask to the dispatcher that finally added some credits to me and there i was playing my first hand of video poker, for some previous reason i knew that there was 52 cards in the deck, and automatic i start to calculate the probabilities of hitting the cards i need to made the pay table hands , many years after i finds out that this was denominated counting outs , and the truth is that i had much luck since gained something almost always, and until i get to think that i could beat this machines in the long term, of curse that years after i knew that all this type of video games are - ev,but this is another history.
My first encounter with poker was many years ago when i traveled frequently by work questions, in those long trips of course is necessary to stop to buy gas, in these sites you always find restaurants and bars where in almost all they have video slot machines, which i liked much and usually i left a slice of money in each one of them, aside from the 2 or 3 machines of video slot there was also a pinball type machine but this was different with many holes in which each hole paid a certain amount or something like that, the truth is it never called my attention, and finally there was one last machine that were called video poker,it was of the type jacks or better,after of much losing in the video slot i decide to prove one of these video poker, with much attention i learned the table of payments which is almost equal to the ranking of hands, so i ask to the dispatcher that finally added some credits to me and there i was playing my first hand of video poker, for some previous reason i knew that there was 52 cards in the deck, and automatic i start to calculate the probabilities of hitting the cards i need to made the pay table hands , many years after i finds out that this was denominated counting outs , and the truth is that i had much luck since gained something almost always, and until i get to think that i could beat this machines in the long term, of curse that years after i knew that all this type of video games are - ev,but this is another history.
Porque este blog / Why this blog
La idea de decidirme a crear un blog se debe a varias razones, en primer lugar es como una especie de diario o archivo para reseñar momentos importantes de mi carrera,tambien para crear lazos de amistad con otros jugadores profesionales y amateurs donde quiera que se encuentren, lo cual siempre es positivo para intercambiar informaciones importantes y analisis de situaciones propias del juego y finalmente para informar de tips, promociones, articulos y estrategias de interes para la comunidad pokeril.
Por supuesto que siempre esta la posibilidad de tener contribuciones de jugadores importantes para hacer mas interesante y util este blog.
The idea to decide to create this blog must to several reasons, in the first place it is like a species of newspaper or file to review important moments of my carrer, also to create bounds of friendship with other professional and amateurs players whereever they are, which always is positive to interchange important informations and analisis of own situations of the game and finally to inform into tips, promotions, articles and strategies of interest for the poker community. Of course that always is the possibility of having contributions of important players to make more usefull and interesting this blog.
Por supuesto que siempre esta la posibilidad de tener contribuciones de jugadores importantes para hacer mas interesante y util este blog.
The idea to decide to create this blog must to several reasons, in the first place it is like a species of newspaper or file to review important moments of my carrer, also to create bounds of friendship with other professional and amateurs players whereever they are, which always is positive to interchange important informations and analisis of own situations of the game and finally to inform into tips, promotions, articles and strategies of interest for the poker community. Of course that always is the possibility of having contributions of important players to make more usefull and interesting this blog.
Introduccion / Introduction
Hola a todos, mi nombre es Alexander Armbrust y vivo en maracay- venezuela, desde hace mas de 2 años me he dedicado a jugar al poker en linea a tiempo completo y practicamente es mi unico medio de subsistencia desde entonces, o sea que me considero un "pro" o para ser mas exactos un "low/mid stakes pro" para no herir sentimientos, me pueden encontrar en varias salas con el nick "armbrust" especialmente en poker/carbonpoker.com.
Hello to all, my name is Alexander Armbrust and i live in maracay- Venezuela, for about 2 years I have been dedicating myself to play online poker on complete time line and so far its my only means of subsistence since then, that is why I consider my self a "pro" or to be exact a "low/mid stakes pro" not to hurt feelings, you can find me in several rooms with the nick "armbrust" specialy in poker/carbonpoker.com.
Hello to all, my name is Alexander Armbrust and i live in maracay- Venezuela, for about 2 years I have been dedicating myself to play online poker on complete time line and so far its my only means of subsistence since then, that is why I consider my self a "pro" or to be exact a "low/mid stakes pro" not to hurt feelings, you can find me in several rooms with the nick "armbrust" specialy in poker/carbonpoker.com.
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