Al cabo de un par de años finalmente aparecio el internet en venezuela y yo fui de los primeros que sali a instalarlo. Por supuesto que lo que yo jugaba era pogo en cualquier momento libre que tenia. Mi estrategia de pogo era simple:jugar los juegos con el maximo acumulado, y unos de los juegos que siempre tenia un buen jackpot era una version de omaha en la cual podias pagar algo extra para ver una carta adicional despues del river. Esta version de omaha me empezo a gustar mucho y rapidamente empeze a ganar tokens (que es una especie de play money de pogo), hasta que un dia chateando entre manos alguien me informo que habian sites donde se jugaba dinero real y que ofrecian una especie de eventos llamados freerools.

PC games have always fascinated me, specially any thing that blizzard launch i had to play it and to finish it, but in Venezuela we didnt had internet allready. In those times games as the diablos and the starcraffs were the fashion last scream. I regularly visited my family in miami by a pair of months every time. For my happiness everyone played PC games . Each one had their own PC and with the novel internet connection.Of course that i kept awake unlit lately hours surfing in that wonderful and new world. It was exactly in those days that my mother also played a lot in , she won a 4999$ jackpot playing a gin version (for those who dont know is a free to play site very amused with many types of games and somes include jackpots that is sponsored by companies), of curse that i didnt believe that the prize was real and trough that its was a fraud or something and also make some fun about it. But for my surprise after a pair of weeks my mom appears with a fabulous 4999$ check in her hands, which days after she buy some new furniture for the house. Of course that i forgot all about blizzard games that i played and started to play in pogo like a crazy person by the rest of my staying there. After a pair of years finally the Internet came to Venezuela and I was the first to install it. Of course that what i played was pogo at any free time that i had. My pogo strategy was simple:play the games with the highest jackpot, and one of the games that always had a good jackpot was a omaha version of in which you could get a extra card after the river paying an extra pot contribuition. I liked this omaha version and i start to gain a lot tokens quickly (that is a kind of pogo play money), until a day, chating bettewn hands somebody told me that they were only poker sites where you could play with real money and that they offer some events called freerolls.
Will continue...
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