To celebrate St. Patrick's Day, we've gone Irish and added pots of gold for every player to win! You can receive up to $2000 free cash in total during March Madness by winning all pots of gold on the rainbow.
In the players admin section, a customized rainbow will track their Comp Point earnings throughout March, and pay out a pot of gold with each increment achieved. Each color on the rainbow will have a Comp Point goal, and as you work towards that level, the colours on the rainbow will fill up. Every time they fill up one of the colors, the corresponding pot of gold will light up, and they're a winner! The more Points your players earn, the more they will win.
Comp Points are automatically earned as they play real money games, so you can simply continue to play their favourite ring games or tournaments and work towards free cash at the same time! So look out for the rainbow Comp Point counter in their player admin, and create a free cash goal for March!

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